La hora del té de Amigos Ingleses La hora del té de Amigos Ingleses

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Are you afraid of missing out? | Inglés en 4 minutos

Morning! 👋

En este vídeo, The School of Life nos habla de un fenómeno social desencadenado por el auge de las redes sociales llamado FOMO. ‘Fear of missing out’ es una sensación de ansiedad causada por el miedo a perderse algo y la necesidad de permanecer constamentenete atento a todo lo que está pasando en internet.

Este ejercicio de listening está recomendado si tienes un nivel intermedio – alto de inglés (B2 o superior). Haz clic en play y rellena las palabras que faltan en los huecos del texto que hay debajo del vídeo.

Are you ready? Let’s go!

We’re continually being bombarded with suggestions about what we might do: go jet skiing, study in Colorado, visit the Maldives or 1. ___ ___ a tech company out west. The modern world makes sure we know at all times just how much is going on out there, it’s a 2. _____ in which intense and painful doses of FOMO or fear of missing out are going to be inevitable. There are two ways of looking at this: romantic or classical. 

To the romantic temperament, missing out causes immense agony. Somewhere else, noble and interesting and attractive people are living exactly the life that should be yours, you’d be so happy if only you could be over there at that party with those people working in that agency of Washington Square or holidaying in that shack in Jutland. Sometimes it just makes you want to 3. ______ into tears.

The romantic believes in the idea of a defined Center where the most exciting things are happening. At one time it was New York, for a few years it was Berlin, then London, now it’s probably San Francisco and in five years it may be Auckland or perhaps Rio.

For the romantic, humanity is divided into a large group of the mediocre and a tribe of the elect artists 4. _______, the edgy part of the fashion world and the people doing creative things with tech. As a romantic it’s exhausting inside your soul your mother sometimes drives you 5. _____, her life is utterly dull, how can she accept it? Why isn’t she a Qing to move to the Bay Area?

She’s always suggesting you take a job in Birmingham or inviting you on a walking holiday in the Lake District. Sometimes you’re quite rude to her, you avoid certain people like the plague, that shy friend from school who 6. _______ with their weight, the flatmate who’s a telecoms engineer and wants to go into local politics, being around individuals who are so unglamorous and 7. ______ in ambition can feel pretty fatal for their part classically minded people.

Acknowledge that there are of course some genuinely marvellous things going on in the world, but they doubt that the obvious signs of glamour are a good guide to finding them. The best novel in the world they like to think is probably not 8. _____ winning prizes or storming up the bestseller lists it may be being written at this moment by a Hritik woman living in the otherwise unremarkable Latvian town of Lea pooja.

Classical people are intensely aware that good qualities coexist with some extremely ordinary ones, everything is rather jumbled up. Lamentable taste in jumpers is compatible with extraordinary insight, academic qualifications can give no indication of true intelligence, famous people can be 9. _____ obscure ones can be remarkable at a perfect launch party, drinking sandalwood cocktails at the coolest bar in the world you could be feeling sad and anxious.

You might have the deepest conversations of your life with your 10. ____, even though she likes watching snooker on television and has stopped 11. _____ her hair. The classical temperament also fears missing out but it has a rather different list of things that they’re afraid of not enjoying. Getting to truly know one’s parents learning to 12. _____ well with being alone, appreciating the consoling power of trees and clouds, discovering what their favourite pieces of music really mean to them, chatting to a seven-year-old child.

As these wise souls know, one can indeed miss out on such extremely important things if one’s always rushing out a little too intently to find excitement 13. ______. Heading off in haste to that stylish bar with a see-through elevator packed with some of the city’s top creatives.

Oh dear! That was hard! Comprueba tus respuestas: 👇👇👇

1.set up , 2. culture, 3. burst, 4. entrepreneurs, 5. nuts, 6. struggles, 7. lacking, 8. currently, 9. dull, 10. aunt,11. dyeing, 12. cope, 13. elsewhere

To set up 👉 instalar, montar, establecer.

«They’re setting up a bakery opposite my house.»

Culture 👉 cultura.

«I love getting to know people from different cultures.»

To burst 👉 explotar, romperse. ‘To burst into tears’ quiere decir ‘echarse a llorar’.

«My father burst into tears when I told him I had been offered a job as a writer.»

Entrepreneur 👉 emprendedor.

«Are entrepreneurs born or made?»

Nuts 👉 nueces, frutos secos. En el texto ‘to drive you nuts’. Esta expresión equivale a volverse loco o sacarle algo de quicio a alguien.

«My neighbour’s dog won’t stop barking and it’s driving me nuts!»

También es un sinónimo de ‘loco/a’. «Are you seriously going to give up your job and move to Hawaii? You must be nuts!».

To struggle 👉 luchar, esforzarse.

«I really struggle to get up in the morning without pressing snooze at least five times.»

To lack 👉 carecer.

«I would hire him if he weren’t lacking one of the most important characteristics of a good customer service representative; empathy.»

Currently 👉 actualmente.

«I’m currently looking for an assistant to help me out with admin tasks.»

Dull 👉 aburrido.

«Life’s too short to be dull.»

Aunt 👉 tía.

«Haven’t you met my aunt yet? Oh she’s such fun, you’ll love her!»

To dye 👉 teñir.

«Mum, I was thinking about dyeing my hair pink, what do you think?»

To cope 👉 enfrentarse, lidiar.

«I’m starting to feel like I can’t cope with all the stress of running my own business. I think I need an assistant.”

Elsewhere 👉 en otro lugar, en otra parte.

«If they don’t have the book I need, I’ll have to look elsewhere.»

Esperamos que te haya gustado la ‘mini lesson’ de listening.

Te aconsejamos apuntar todo el vocabulario nuevo, repasarlo y ponerlo en práctica en los próximos días, aunque sea hablando contigo mismo o delante del espejo para no olvidarlo. 😛

Wishing you a great week from Amigos Ingleses

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