Colorear el pasado es una forma de resurrección

El color separa a vivos y muertos. Opera como anillo y guardián del Hades, el inframundo. Si te fotografiaron en blanco y negro es muy posible que ya no existas.

Sabemos que aún no somos historia por el color, porque el presente brilla y el pasado es gris. El pigmento dibuja la vida y su ausencia, la muerte. Incluso el recuerdo termina licuando el arcoiris.

La imagen coloreada de una niña en Auschwitz ha recorrido el mundo porque de algún modo la han arrancado de ese pasado y devuelto al mundo sufriente.

El muro del Hades ha caído. Los espíritus transmiten sus mensajes.


Marina Amaral, experta colorista brasileña de fotografías históricas, ha obrado el milagro de Lázaro al vincular las líneas del tiempo y cambiar su flecha en una fotografía. Ahora esa niñita tratada con tanta crueldad es más presente que nunca.

Regresada del Hades, su materia ya disuelta goza de mayor consistencia; su dolor nos parece ordinario porque color y dolor se parecen. Vemos la enfermedad y su sumisión en un ángulo cotidiano y próximo. Se llamaba Czeslawa Kwoka. Era polaca y tenía 14 años. Fue asesinada mediante una inyección de fenol porque para ellos solo respondía al número 26.947. Lucía ese labio partido por la vara de un guardia impaciente. Se limpió las lágrimas, notó el destello fotográfico, y este calor le pareció más humano que sus carceleros. 

El trabajo de Amaral es jugar con la flecha del Photoshop. Hace del color un puente. Media en el espejo para que nos demos cuenta en el regreso de la imagen que esos fantasmas fueron y son nosotros, las mismas tribulaciones y esperanzas, idénticos sueños e incredulidad al ver cómo el presente a veces enloquece.


Simone Segouin, also known by her nom de guerre Nicole Minet (born October 3, 1925 Thivars, Eure-et-Loir), is a former French resistance fighter who served in the Francs-Tireurs et Partisans group. Simone was only 18 years old when she joined the Francs-Tireurs et Partisans in 1944. Among her first acts of resistance was stealing a bicycle from a German military administrator, which she then used to help carry messages. She went on to take part in large-scale or otherwise perilous missions, such as capturing German troops, derailing trains, and blowing up bridges. Simone was present at the liberation of Chartres on August 23, 1944 – when she killed two Germans and assisted in capturing 25 prisoners of war; and the liberation of Paris two days later. She was promoted to lieutenant and awarded the Croix de guerre. After the war, Segouin became a pediatric nurse. A street in Courville-sur-Eure was named for her.

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Los humanos antiguos creían que el tiempo era circular y no lineal; los indios Hopi no conocen el concepto de un tiempo separado del lugar, como si todo fuera un continuo valle y así todas las fotografías sean entonces vecinas. Einstein- que a juzgar por otras imágenes pudo visitar a estos indios en su reserva- nos dijo que era imposible separar el espacio del tiempo. Nada explicó, sin embargo, del color y de su poder de resurrección en la fotografía moderna; nada comentó sobre si el color finalmente nos iguala a todos y si solo los ciegos pueden comprender este secreto.


Young German infantryman, autumn 1917.

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Cree man, Maple Creek, Saskatchewan, Canada, 1903. The Cree are one of the largest groups of First Nations in North America, with over 200,000 members living in Canada. The major proportion of Cree in Canada live north and west of Lake Superior, in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and the Northwest Territories. About 38,000 live in Quebec. As hunter-gatherers, the basic unit of organization for Cree peoples was the lodge, a group of perhaps eight or a dozen people, usually the families of two separate but related married couples, who lived together in the same wigwam (domed tent) or tipi (conical tent), and the band, a group of lodges who moved and hunted together. In the case of disagreement lodges could leave bands, and bands could be formed and dissolved with relative ease, but as there is safety in numbers, all families would want to be part of some band, and banishment was considered a very serious punishment. Bands would usually have strong ties to their neighbours through intermarriage and would assemble together at different parts of the year to hunt and socialize together. Besides these regional gatherings, there was no higher-level formal structure, and decisions of war and peace were made by consensus with allied bands meeting together in council. ——– #Cree #canada #nativeamerican #history #photography #portrait #adobe #photoshop #art #digitalart #colorization #restoration @history @adobe @photoshop #canadian

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On 27 January 1945, Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi concentration and death camp, was liberated by the Red Army. Photo: The liberation of Bergen-Belsen, April 1945. Bergen-Belsen, or Belsen, was a Nazi concentration camp in what is today Lower Saxony in northern Germany, southwest of the town of Bergen near Celle. Originally established as a prisoner of war camp, in 1943, parts of it became a concentration camp. Initially this was an "exchange camp", where Jewish hostages were held with the intention of exchanging them for German prisoners of war held overseas. The camp was later expanded to accommodate Jews from other concentration camps. After 1945 the name was applied to the displaced persons camp established nearby, but it is most commonly associated with the concentration camp. From 1941 to 1945, almost 20,000 Soviet prisoners of war and a further 50,000 inmates died there. Overcrowding, lack of food and poor sanitary conditions caused outbreaks of typhus, tuberculosis, typhoid fever and dysentery, leading to the deaths of more than 35,000 people in the first few months of 1945, shortly before and after the liberation. The camp was liberated on April 15, 1945, by the British 11th Armoured Division. The soldiers discovered approximately 60,000 prisoners inside, most of them half-starved and seriously ill, and another 13,000 corpses lying around the camp unburied.  #HolocaustMemorialDay

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Edgar Allan Poe was born #OnThisDay 1809. He was an American writer, editor, and literary critic. Poe is best known for his poetry and short stories. He is widely regarded as a central figure of Romanticism in the United States and American literature as a whole. Poe was the first well-known American writer to try to earn a living through writing alone, resulting in a financially difficult life and career. He died in Baltimore on October 7, 1849, at age 40; the cause of his death is unknown and has been variously attributed to alcohol, brain congestion, cholera, drugs, heart disease, rabies, suicide, tuberculosis, and other agents. ——— #literature @history #history #usa #colorization #art #digitalart #photoshop #adobe

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"Life's most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?" Today, #MLKDay is celebrated. Martin Luther King Jr. (born Michael King Jr., January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was an American Baptist minister and activist who became the most visible spokesperson and leader in the civil rights movement. He is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights using the tactics of nonviolence and civil disobedience based on his Christian beliefs and inspired by the nonviolent activism of Mahatma Gandhi. In 1968, King was planning a national occupation of Washington, D.C., to be called the Poor People's Campaign, when he was assassinated by James Earl Ray on April 4 in Memphis, Tennessee. King's death was followed by riots in many U.S. cities. Ray, who fled the country, was arrested two months later at London Heathrow Airport. Ray was sentenced to 99 years in prison for King's murder, and died in 1998 from hepatitis while serving his sentence. ——– #civilrights #mlk #history @history #colorization #photoshop #adobe #creativecloud

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  1. Dice ser otromas

    Decir «Un colorido campo de concentración en Polonia» no deja de ser, cuando menos, chusco.

    30 marzo 2018 | 18:35

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